Below is a list of projects I am currently working on or have completed. Links are provided to view a more detailed project page which includes info on the project, source code snippets, and of course links to the full source code and a live version of the application if available. This list is updated regularly so check back often!


Looking for a gif of a dancing zebra? Well, I’m sure that’s out there, just search for it here. Check out the project page, the source code, or just use it.


I got tired of having to open a browser and search for the weather, so I wrote a command line tool to allow me to do it from there using the OpenWeatherMap API. Check out the project page or the source code.

WarGames Hangman

A WarGames themed Hangman game. Be sure to check out the source code because you really have to see how the modules are written to apppreciate the object-oriented approach here. You can also view the project page or play the game.

The Portfolio Variety Hour

A collection of portfolios done using various tools including responsive layouts and Bootstrap. View the project page or view them live (you can toggle between the various portfolios from the live version).

Simple To-Do

A simple, and easy to use, to-do app that remembers your items across sessions! View the project page, the source code, or view it live.


A mini-puzzle that forces clever thinking to solve. View the project page, the source code, or play the game.

Vigenère Cipher

One of the first things I wrote when I started learning Python in late 2016, and working on this project is part of what got me addicted to coding! The Vigenère Cipher is a classic algorithm for encrypting information using polyalphabetic substitution. View the project page and the source code